Monday, May 9, 2011

Awesomeness Bleeds Out My Ears

Man, I am the best average student ever!  I procrastinate on everything; it's a huge problem.  Three papers due this week and what am I doing all day Sunday?  Reading manga, reading wikipedia, cleaning the cat box, planting my garden, reading about movies I'll never watch on IMBD, cooking dinner, taking out the trash, reading more manga, taking a shower.....and finally, begrudgingly, doing my paper.

the fruits of my roommate's procrastination -scones!

The other week, when I really should have been studying for my wetland ecology midterm, I was instead gardening (again), cleaning, and just generally dicking around.  It's a really bad habit, and for anyone who's not in the habit of procrastinating, I would advise you not to start.  Also, I hate you.  I would love to be someone who gets things done quickly and has free time afterwards.  I should be that person.

douche!  your hair is in my effin way!

But, no matter how much I tell myself that I need to get things done right away, I always wind up procrastinating until the last minute.  Usually, it only ends up in a slightly less than ideal paper (slightly incoherent by the end) and me missing out on sleep that night.  Which is crazy, because I love to sleep!  If I'd just get on it, I'd get it done and be amazingly less stressed out.

cats are the luckiest

I know all that.  I know a million reasons to not procrastinate, but no amount of logic can overcome my lazy and contrary nature.  Maybe if I start telling myself I'll do it at the last minute, I'll get it done early?  Who knows.  The point is, I'm a bad student in many respects.  I think I'm average in that everybody I know does it, but I don't think it's good.

my dog.  I'm not the one who did this to her.

On the other hand, if I had disastrous results from doing this, I'd probably stop.  I tell myself that I don't care what grade I get, so long as I pass.  It's true, in a way.  If I really gave a crap, I'd work harder on each paper, revise it, do it ahead of time, put forth real effort, etc.  So I must not really care, but when it comes down to it, I do care a little bit.

the paraphernalia makes it look like I was working, but you know i'm not because the cat is there 

Once I turn in a paper, I worry endlessly that I did something wrong -for example, in my last midterm paper, I didn't cite any readings.  At the time, I thought it was fine because I only alluded to the readings -the paper was about my opinion.  I liked the way it was written and the epiphany I had while writing it, but for the following week after I turned it in, I was slightly anxious/disappointed that I'd probably done it wrong and wasn't going to get a good grade.

"I am the starbucks lady.  kneel before me"

oh the things I do while bored in class

Similarly, for Wetland Ecology, I barely studied for the midterm.  Most of my studying took place the night before and the morning of, in the class before, and right before we had to put our materials away.  I looked at the test, pulled out my Green Book (recycled version of Blue Books), and began rambling away about gleyed soils and inundation and chemical reduction in the soils.  I got nervous because I was only marginally confident, and the teacher is scary and my advisor.  But, I did my average-est.

me and my little garden

So, you might be wondering how it all turned out.  Shall I tell you?  Yes, yes I shall.  On my Wetland Ecology midterm, I crossed my fingers, hoping against hope for a C.  When the teacher was passing the tests back, he gave me a funny look and handed me mine.  93%.  Heck yes!  'I must be a genius!' I thought.  I seriously considered jumping up on the table and dancing.
her new favorite thing is the filthy dishrag I threw on the floor

As for the other class's  midterm (Cultural/Political Ecology, btw), I worried helplessly that she would think I plagiarized or something and fail me or send me to the Dean to be punished or something.  Worry, worry, worry.  I get my paper back this morning, and it's a 96% with the comments, "Very good thinking.  May I have a copy for my notes?"

totally unrelated note.  and those are my  toes

And that's why I'm awesome!

also, you know you're jealous of my ability to hard-boil eggs perfectly

1 comment:

  1. Not only do I hate non-procrastinators but I hate you too :P but in all seriousness, I would count my blessings if I were you...
