Monday, October 25, 2010

Wow, Last Week

So, as I mentioned last week, last week was a big week! In some ways, it was disappointing -I  had big hopes and some things just plain went wrong.  But I also had a good time, so it balances out.

On Monday was the M.I.A. concert, which was mostly fun.  There were some dumb people in the crowd, and I'm not used to being around that many chicks (bitches).  I almost got elbowed to death several times.  But, M.I.A was a good performer, she really interacted well with the crowd, and let tons of people on stage with her.  We had fun, but no way in heck were we hitting up the after party.  Some guy on the lightrail was asking us about it, and I said "No, I have to get up early.  I have work." and he goes "well, that is lame!"

I said, "Actually, I like having money and a place to live, so it's really not."

Lol.  Later that night, I got a call from my boyfriend/husband/whatever we are.  And it was...erm...mostly normal.  We got in a fight, and so that put a damper on my week.  Also putting a damper on my week was the fact that I lost 5 high school kids in the woods on Thursday.  Thursday was an unfortunate day....

So, moving on, Saturday was my birthday!!!!  After work, my friends and I went to the beach, was fun!!!  Even though it was pouring rain, I had a great time.  We saw some sea lions and awesome diving birds.  I drank pumpkin ale, it was kinda good.  My friend drank a lot of champagne and got drunk >_< but she was hilarious.

Sunday we went to Astoria, and got soaked to the bone, so we came home a little early, which was fine because I was sooooo exhausted.


Rye Rye (above)

And, M.I.A (above this)

that's the reflection in a river
Thursday, at dawn

from my friend :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Gross Week

So, last Monday was my last post.  For some reason or another (I can't remember what, honestly), I got busy.  Tuesday I was doing something, Wednesday was work, Thursday was volunteering....And then I got sick :( Of course it's nothing major, just a cold.  But still, that first night was dumb.  It started with a sore throat, and stuffy nose.

By Friday, I woke up feeling so crummy that I went to school to drop off a Calculus quiz, and headed back home right after.  I fell asleep, and managed to go to work...I can tell you THAT was fun.  It started with just feeling like "muh" and went to me being feverish and dizzy.  And when I get feverish, I get teary-eyed, weepy, jittery, cold, and stupid.  My nose also wouldn't stop running.  It was gross.  My boss was nice enough to drive me home that night, but I suspect he also wanted to ensure that I was able to get a good night's rest and be able to work on Saturday.

Which I did.  Saturday I started feeling much better, and Sunday, too.  My nose is still a bit stuffy, and you wouldn't believe the grossness of the stuff I'm hacking up from my lungs.  But I'm really glad to be feeling better. This is an exciting week!  One I've been looking forward to for several weeks, months, and even years.


Well, first of all, Today, Monday, I am going with my roommate and other friend to see the artist M.I.A. Do you know her?  She's kind of weird, her music is "dance" I guess, but she has a ton of influences, and remixes other songs.  I think she's pretty interesting, as a person -she's a Sri Lankan Tamil, and I think maybe she's less shallow than some other performers out there.  Not that she doesn't have her moments, like the rest of us, and yeah she's probably in it for the money, but still.  At least now I've heard of it.

Anyway.  So tonight is the M.I.A show, and I'm looking forward to it :) Gonna be a lot of fun.  More fun if I weren't siiiiiick, but at least I'm feeling a thousand times better than Friday.  I'll make another post about it for sure, hopefully with pictures!  I need a camera >_>

Tuesday is not much to look forward to, but I AM looking forward to Skip Beat! 165 coming out.  I'm a dork, I know, but Skip Beat! is my favorite manga, and I would like to (FINALLY) learn more about the main characters as well as see them grow.  I know it's silly, and not much to look forward to, but I like to have one little thing to look forward to every week or every 2 weeks.  Skip Beat! is perfect for that, since it generally comes out every month or 2 weeks.

Moving onnnnnnn.....OK!  Wednesday is my first Calculus midterm (dun dun dun), which I need to study and make notes for.....hahaha! yeah right!  Anyway, we'll see how that goes.  I'm expecting between 70% and 90%, based off my past quizzes.  Also on Wednesday, I must remember to wear purple.  You've heard about it, probably.  It's a "flash-mob" sort of thing, where people wear purple in order to show their support for gay equality/rights, and as a sign of recognition for the recent suicides of bullied kids.  Wear purple!

Then Thursday is a field day for Wolftree, with Jefferson HS, which has the potential to be a total blast, or complete pain in the ass.  My vote is for the former!  I always like going outside, and if I can get these kids to like it too, or get them into science, or something, then I'll be pleased.  I plan on getting quite dirty that day, so hopefully the kids will follow my example and not mind the mud.

Friday is normal day of class and work.  But, it is ALSO my last day of being 20 years old.  Oh, that's right.  SATURDAY IS MY 21ST BIRTHDAY!!!! hulllllllllllllllllllll yaaaaaaaaaaah!  Not that it's the first time I'll drink alcohol (well, in a while it is), but it's the first time doing it legally.  I hope it will be fun!!!

Actually, I'm pretty sure it will be fun.  After work on Saturday...yes I work on my birthday, I like having money....a couple friends and I are gonna go to the beach!!!  I FREAKIN LOVE THE BEACH!   I can't freaking wait for the beach, ohhhh man!  :)

So, yay this week!!!!!!!

A "gem" I found in New-Booger Hall today on my way to class.  How bomb is that?!

Boss my cat being cute and sad.

Watercoloring is one of my few hobbies, so these are a few pieces I did this past Sunday.  Do you Like them?

The moon on Friday night

Pigeons on campus :)

me being a dork in the park before work on Tuesday
What I think of my film class tee hee

Well folks, wish me luck with this week!!!!  Lookin forward to it <3

Monday, October 11, 2010

Here I Am

Today is...look at what this day says it is. Huh?? Punk. I'm sitting right now in the boiling hot computer room in the basement of New-Booger Hall. Why is it always so hot in here?!

Anyway, today is a beautiful October day, especially for this area. It's cool, but not cold, sunny, bright blue skies, crisp leaves, and full of an "autumn" feeling. Maybe it's because I was born in fall, but there is just something so optimistic to me about early to mid fall. The weather's finally cool, it's bright, it's beautiful, the leaves are drifting down and turning colors -it's beautiful! The only part I don't like is that it gets dark too early. When it's dark out, I can't get a thing done.

But today has been a kind of weird day, too. To start off, there was fog on the west side of the river. There's usually not so much fog on the east side (where I live), but man, coming in to downtown today, I could really see it. Ross Island was lost!

See what I mean?  Fog!  It was really cool, but it made for a chilly morning.  I didn't get a picture of it, but there was also a frost on the grass as I walked to my bus stop!  I guess the east side is colder than the west side and therefore more prone to frosting.  Heh!  Back in my home state, we'd normally be cooling down, or even had some snow by now, but not this year I guess.  Considering how rainy it was this weekend, maybe it's cooler here than back home!

Not speaking of, but moving to, school, my classes are divided.  My calculus class is enjoyable (for now) and I'm not too lost yet.  I got 8.5/10 on the quiz last Wednesday due to a dumb mistake.  Oops!  But, I did better than average -I did median!  I want to have confidence in myself, and enjoy this class.  The teacher is so likable that it helps.

My senior project is a blast.  I love working with kids, I love being outdoors, I love moving around and exploring nature.  The class project is even shaping up to be kind of interesting.  My professor in it -although he hates to be called professor, haha- is very nice, down to earth, that kind of thing.  My classmates are pretty cool people, although unfriendly me never knows what to say!

As for my film class....UGH!  I hate art, and I have a whole rant explaining why that is so.  Ok, so I don't hate art, but I definitely hate art critics.  People always trying to put meaning where there is none, or projecting their own ideals into something that maybe doesn't mean what they think it does.  I find art to be inexact and frustrating.  For my film class, I think there are film snobs in there, and that irritates me.  But worst of all is that so far, I've been bored out of my friggin mind!  Wendy and Lucy was a boring and dumb movie about a homeless lady who loses her dog.  White Mane is a horrible story about a boy and wild stallion who die (maybe).  In any case, writing about those was painful and I pouted and threw a fit.  In the end, I wound up writing about why I didn't like the movies....

So now that I have some free time to kill, I'm here in the computer lab.  Two hours til class starts.  Um.  Yeah!  I think what I am going to do is see what classes I need to graduate, yet, and see when I can take them.  I do this once or twice a term, about every 2 1/2 months.  I get so impatient.  I want to graduate, and I want to move on with my life.  But I can't stop planning everything out, even if I want to.  In any case, I'm gonna go do that.  LOL

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rainy Day Today

So, Friday I completed my first week of classes. It wasn't too bad. I think that Mondays are going to be the worst, because they're just so long. And I'm already hating that film class. I should think positive, riiiiiiight? heh. Anyway, calculus is going to be difficult, but I can do it! The teacher is really nice, after all.

And, my senior project is awesome! Thursday was my first field day, working with Wolftree, Inc. and although the school had canceled their field trip, I got to have a training day. I'm the only one on Thursdays, therefore it was just me and 2 of the Wolftree staff. It was held at Smith and Bybee Lakes, a kind of wetland up North of where I live -it was an hour's bus ride away but that's okay.

We did cool stuff like learn GPS, identify plants, observe the landscape, do transect studies, and core trees to count their rings and see their age. We also rode a canoe around the shallow lake for about three hours. We saw lots of animals, including three river otters who were adorable and just as curious about us as we were about them. We also saw several great blue herons, who have a surprisingly ugly cry. There were tons of fry in the water, but also some large fish we kept almost running over. There were many ducks, geese, egrets, and a green heron as well. Lots of spiders, for sure. And we heard tree frogs chirping to one another.

For me, this was right up my alley. I was pretty worn out by the end of the day, but it was so worth it. I really had a lot of fun, and I'm so looking forward to post-graduation LIFE. You know, where I don't have things like homework due for a grade. Where I don't have to write asinine papers about dumb movies nobody cares about.

Sorry, I was ranting.

Anyway, off to do bigger and better things. Like eat. Breakfast. It's 11.